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$22 Million in donations distributed to local community organizations from the Reinhart Weber and the Weber Foundation – Midland Today

by ahnationtalk on July 30, 202490 Views

The Midland Cultural Centre relies on sponsors and donors to run diverse programming

On July 2nd, 2024, the Midland Cultural Centre (MCC) hosted an event during which Reinhart Weber and the Weber Foundation generously donated $22 million to local organizations in the community, including MCC.

The MCC has a longstanding relationship with the Weber Foundation, which funded the establishment of its building before donating it to the Town of Midland. Today, MCC Incorporated operates as a charitable organization, leasing the building from the Town of Midland to benefit the community.

The Weber Foundation’s recent gift ensures sustained annual support for the next 20-25 years, crucial for maintaining the basic operations of the building, covering essentials such as gas, hydro, water, and electricity. Despite this substantial support, MCC continues to rely on sponsors and donors to fund its diverse programming. This ongoing support is pivotal in enabling MCC to provide a wide range of cultural events and initiatives for the North Simcoe region.

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