Honesty and truth: How The Indigenous Kore’s mission is paving the way for a new generation of tech startups – SooToday.com

by ahnationtalk on August 21, 202477 Views

The Indigenous Kore (TIK) software design prioritizes safety, crowd sourcing knowledge from robust teams, and inclusion

In Ojibwe tales, the appearance of bineshiinh– the raven – can symbolize trust, honesty, and straightforwardness.

He often appears just as the main character is about to set foot on a path towards the unknown, or seeks guidance before undertaking a great quest.

Sudbury entrepreneur Clifton Skelliter considers it a good sign, then, when a curious bineshiinh circles overhead during an interview with Village Media on the shores of Whitefish Lake on Atikameksheng Anishnawbek.

Read More: https://www.sootoday.com/spotlight/honesty-and-truth-how-the-indigenous-kores-mission-is-paving-the-way-for-a-new-generation-of-tech-startups-9326179

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