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Reflecting on National Truth and Reconciliation Day

by ahnationtalk on September 30, 202458 Views

September 30, 2024

As National Truth and Reconciliation Day on September 30th draws near, Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) President Margaret Froh reflects on the significance of this important day that honours the survivors of residential schools and acknowledges the lasting impacts of colonization on Indigenous communities throughout Canada. In this video message, President Froh emphasizes the importance of understanding and recognizing the truth of Canada’s past. She urges all Canadians to take this day as an opportunity to learn, reflect, and take meaningful action towards reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples. As we all commemorate this important day, we are reminded of the shared responsibility we all have in fostering understanding and respect for Indigenous cultures and histories. National Truth and Reconciliation Day isn’t just about looking back at history; it’s about committing to a future where Indigenous voices and stories are heard and respected.


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